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Collaboration Mode

Jamila Kheil
Jamila Kheil Open Social • 27 January 2021

Collaboration Mode


This is a sub-module to real-time collaboration. This module can be enabled by our developers when installing the real-time collaboration extension. 

When this is enabled, a collaboration tab will appear when viewing an Idea. 

Collaboration tab

Now 2 tabs will appear when a logged-in user views an idea, a details page where they see the idea itself, and a collaboration tab. 

This allows normal logged-in users to edit any idea they view, by clicking collaboration mode they have the option to add suggestions and add comments.

Track changes

However, they cannot edit or delete any suggestions or comments; only the author, co-author, and CM/SM can.

This sub-module will be advanced further by making it a setting that allows each other to enable this feature per idea, as currently when enabled, this is possible on all ideas and challenges.