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Verify registered users

• 11 March 2022

Whenever a user signs up, they get the verified user role by default which comes with a lot of permissions, including: create content, actively engage with the community and also show up as a new member immediately. It is possible to determine whether this happens immediately, or if the registered user must be approved by a Site Manager in order to unlock these permissions. 

This option can be accessed under Account Settings in the Site Manager Dashboard (direct URL:/admin/config/people/accounts).

Enable/disable verification of registered users

If this is disabled, new and unverified users will not have any permissions to create or engage as well as in the People Overview (direct URL: /admin/people), there will be no role mentioned next to their username. 

People overview with verified user roles

How to verify a user?

In order to verify a user, a Site Manager will have to assign the "Verified user" role. It is possible to do this from the People Overview by selecting the right users, and under Actions select "Add a role to the selected users".