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Real-Time Chat

Open Social Admin
Open Social Admin Open Social • 18 February 2021
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Real-Time Chat Feature

This chapter explains how the real-time chat feature works for regular users, authors, co-authors, and site managers.

Note: This feature is not part of the default Open Social product (basic/distro) but can be ordered as an extension module.


What is real-time chat?

Real-time chat allows your Open Social community members to easily and instantly chat with one another simply by toggling the on-page chat window.


Let members create private or group chats:

  • Members can quickly send instant private messages to one another
  • Chat threads let members create and join public group discussions
  • Add an exclusive chat thread to a specific event or group to boost engagement!

Real time chat mobile gif

Let members chat freely without interrupting their workflow

Real-time chat is designed to let your members connect, communicate and share without disrupting their workflow or taking them away from their current activities.

A slide-out chat panel allows members to easily jump in and out of a conversation. While waiting for an answer to a message, members can easily do something else or continue their work.

A site manager can also change a number of real-time chat settings to prevent spam, such as determining which type of members can start a chat thread or who will manage and moderate a specific group chat.


How does it work?


Every user can manage the chat the same way. You simply click on the chat icon, next to the private message icon (we can also remove the private message icon if you prefer to only have the chat icon).

You get an overview of your conversations or by clicking a plus button, you can start a new conversation. Currently, we only support 1-on-1 conversations, however, are in the middle of developing it for groups as well. 

You can see in your message overview, what messages are read and which are not. Moreover, you get notified when you receive a new message. 

Real time chat web


Disclaimer: The real time chat module is in production, so there will be some visual and technical changes that are shown above. The extension will be ready to go to production end of June! So, if you are interested please contact your customer success manager to receive further information.